helping you to navigate body image concerns so you can feel empowered in the body you have today


You might be noticing that…

  • you feel uncomfortable in social settings, like your body is taking up too much space

  • you have learned about anti-diet culture but are having a difficult time applying these messages to yourself

  • you feel pressure to make changes to your body or appearance based on the preferences of others

  • you are holding off on future plans, thinking that success is only achievable if you inhabit a body that looks drastically different than who you are today

  • physical health diagnoses and chronic pain make it difficult for you to accept and appreciate your body

  • you have changed your outer appearance drastically but this has not helped to diminish your negative self talk

 Living in a larger body, I am familiar with the pain of feeling othered due to your size.

I have specialized training in Health at Every Size (HAES) and positive embodiment that I will use to provide you with support.

book a session

therapy that focuses on positive embodiment can help you to

  • learn about how to tune in to your body to determine what your needs are at that moment

  • feel confident that you can trust your body’s instincts and follow your inner guidance

  • learn about how oppressive systems play a role in the negative thoughts we have about our bodies and how we can reverse this narrative

  • accept your body for what it is today, looking at it with neutrality and appreciation for what it can do for you

  • feel more comfortable taking action to meet the needs of your body by communicating your needs to others

  • be ok with inhabiting a larger body, with the knowledge that this does not make you less than or unworthy of love and support



We will explore body neutrality and address inequalities related to body size. You will begin to practice self compassion both in and out of session.


We will build your ability to attune to your body and follow your intuition around eating and movement. You will build on your natural strengths to feel more fully resourced to be in your body day to day.


We will witness your progress in extending kindness towards yourself and your body. You will feel empowered and whole.